
Treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, including neck and low back pain, generally fall into 5 major categories: (1) Observation over time, (2) Medications, (3) Physical Therapy, (4) Injections/Procedures, and (5) Surgery.  There are further subcategories that can be considered within each category.  Usually, patients elect to start off with conservative treatment in the form of medications and physical therapy, however there are certain indications for injections (procedures) as well as surgery.  Dr. Garala will review the benefits and risks of each treatment, and will come up with a plan specific to your particular condition and needs.

It should be noted that these treatment options are to address the physical manifestations of pain.  However, keep in mind that there are psychological and emotional components as well.  Not only can they be the result of pain, but they also can contribute to its manifestation.    There are treatment options to address both psychological and emotional components, including cognitive behavioral therapy.  There is an intimate relationship between the body and mind, so please don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Garala for referral information if you believe cognitive behavioral therapy might benefit you.