expectations after an injection/procedure

Effect: The steroid will usually begin working within 1-3 days, but can take up to a week for you to feel the benefits.

Side Effects: They are usually uncommon, but can occur.

  • Increased discomfort at the site of the injection.
  • Immediately after a lumbar/sacral/caudal epidural steroid injection, you may experience transient weakness or numbness in the leg(s) due to the anesthetic (typically lidocaine) used for the injection; one of the reasons why we recommend a driver after the injection.  This effect if experienced is temporary and will resolve after a few hours when the anesthetic wears off.
  • Steroid side effects: facial/chest flushing, anxiety, trouble sleeping, temporary water retention, changes in menstrual cycle.  These side effects are usually mild and will often resolve in a few days.

Activity Levels:

  • Day of Procedure: Take it easy. We recommend no new activities, and no participation in heavy work.  You may rest the day of the procedure, but there is no need for bed rest.  Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time and change your position on a regular basis (every 20 minutes).
  • Day 2: You may return to normal activities within reason, including work and your physical therapy program if you are participating in one.

Diet:  Continue/return to your normal diet as tolerated.

Medication:  Continue/resume all your medications, vitamins and supplements after the injection. 

  • If you are diabetic, please monitor your blood sugars closely as your values may increase for a couple of days immediately after your injection.
  • If you use a topical medication, do not apply any medication to the injection site until the site has healed completely.

Bandage: May be removed after 24 hours.

Showering: You may shower immediately.  Avoid bath/Jacuzzi/hot tub and swimming for the first 2 days after the procedure to reduce the risk of an infection at the injection site.

Cold Packs: You may use ice compresses over the injection site – 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off – as needed.  To avoid skin injury, place a thin cloth between the cold pack and the skin, and do not use gel packs.  Do not apply cold packs to numb areas following the injection.

Contact our office right away if you experience any of the following: Fever (over 101 degrees F) for more than 24 hours, chills, severe and persistent headaches, drainage from the injection site, excessive swelling or redness to the injection site, problems with bowel or bladder control, or loss of function or feeling in your arms or legs. If you cannot reach your physician, please go to the nearest emergency room.

Follow up: Unless instructed otherwise, please schedule a follow up appointment 2 weeks after the injection for reassessment.